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Cancer wellness support

Gifts In Wills

Create an enduring legacy aligned with your values

Giving based on your values

A Will is an opportunity to create a meaningful difference, by enabling you to decide how your life’s work and assets will positively impact the ones you love and causes you believe in.

Cancer Wellness Support is committed to improving the lives of individuals and their families living with cancer, and providing a compassionate and nurturing community. We believe in a person-centred approach, where empathy, inclusivity, and affordability are at the heart of everything we do.

You can understand how we do this, captured in our Theory of Change.

Our focus is to support those living with cancer with the knowledge, coping skills, and resilience to navigate their journey with confidence and strength. By addressing all types of cancer, we strive to alleviate feelings of isolation and foster strong social support networks to create a profound sense of belonging.

We acknowledge the benefits at a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level of complementary therapies, counselling, support groups, retreats, workshops through every stage of the cancer care continuum. Understanding the importance of affordable, person-centred cancer care, we personalise each program that ensures both the individual and family needs are met.

Our model of care is built upon participation and collaboration, facilitated by the generosity of our community. Funding is entirely self-generated through membership fees, op-shop sales, donations, bequests, fundraising events, and sponsorships.

Your support assist us to continue providing vital support in a supportive community, where no one needs to feel alone while navigating through difficult circumstances.

The difference your gift could make

Your gift contributes to the removal of financial constraints at a time that income and resources can be significantly impacted.
When you remember Cancer Wellness Support in your Will, please let us know. Your bequest will contribute to the financial sustainability of our treatments, programs and workshops and continue the expansion of our services and geographical reach.
Leaving a bequest, is a generous gift that enhances our ability to offer comfort and care to many in our community; and will leave an enduring impact by improving the quality of life and health outcomes of individuals and their families living with cancer.

How to leave a gift in your Will

As there are many ways to leave a gift to Cancer Wellness Support in your Will, and it’s important to find the right one for you.

There are several ways to make a bequest:

  • Residuary gift – rather than specifying a specific amount; this is the amount remaining  after your loved ones are taken care of.
  • Nominated percentage – you are able to specify the proportion of your estate you want to gift
  • Specified gift – you select a fixed amount from your estate to bequest to Cancer Wellness Support

To ensure your wishes are honoured, we recommend you share your plans to gift Cancer Wellness Support in your Will with loved ones and seek legal guidance.

Once you’ve considered which people and charities you’d like to remember, and who your executor will be, we recommend speaking with your solicitor to have your Will written.

Suggested wording for your Will

Your solicitor or trustee is best to advise on the exact words to ensure your wishes are honoured. Here is some sample wording for your consideration to update your Will or add as an additional clause in an addendum:

I give to Cancer Wellness Support (ABN 67 202 763):

  • the sum of $; or
  • the rest and residue of my estate; or
  • X percent of the rest and residue of my estate

for its general purposes free of all duties and taxes payable upon or in consequence of my death and I declare that the receipt of its Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer or other authorised officer will be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors and trustees who will not be obliged to enforce the application of the gift.

Tax implications of leaving a gift in your Will

The taxation implications vary across states and territories. To ensure your will is structured in accordance with your wishes and to ensure you understand the specific tax implications for your estate, please speak to your solicitor or accountant for tailored advice for your individual situation.

We would love to provide more details with a physical bequest form that may assist you with your discussions, real life stories on how our programs have made a difference and with your gift, how this heartfelt support will continue.

We’ve partnered with Willed

If you do not have a solicitor, or prefer not to pursue that as an option we have partnered with Willed to enable you to create your will your legally-binding Will in a few simple steps, from the comfort of your own home.

Willed was created by lawyers and tech experts, but more importantly, real people – to simplify the process of end-of-life planning, saving you time, money and stress.

When you create your Will, you will be asked if you wish to leave a gift. Once your family and friends are cared for, you may wish to leave a percentage of your estate, or a specific nominated amount, to Cancer Wellness Support. 

Note: Cancer Wellness Support does not provide legal advice. We offer many avenues that you may consider to use, and recommend you seek legal advice before making any changes or updates to your Will.

Any referral to an Online Will provider does not constitute legal advice, or an endorsement that an Online Will is suitable for your needs

By including Cancer Wellness Support  in your will, you are providing us with ability to be there for all who benefit from our services, and a sense of belonging to a community who cares about them and their loved ones.

Your legacy will help us ensure no-one needs to navigate their cancer journey, and living a new normal, on their own.

We deeply appreciate your consideration and the impact your gift will have on our growing community.

Warmest regards,

Cancer Wellness Support Team